Please note that these boards are fully functional, were used for product and brand photography, testing and general marketing and may show some imperfections (wood colouring slightly off, small dents, etc.). This is the reason they are discounted and not eligible for a refund or return - you can check the details on the images.
What is Wobbel board? We don't think there is a need to introduce this but if you're still unsure this board...
- has a stylish design
- develops balance and gross motor skills
- invites to grow
- is for play, for strength, for imagination, for creativity, for practicality
- is an open-ended toy
- can be used as a chair
Need more reasons? Explore it yourself :)
And enjoy some freebies you can download below
Plus...download these colouring cards to get some more inspiration of what you can do with the Wobbel board! Download now :)
Or, get the already coloured cards that offer inspiration, but they also tell you how each exercise strengthens motor skills - download here
Also, Wobbel board’s shipping is on us 👍
- Size: approx. 90 x 30 cm
- Weight: approx. 4.5 kg
- Suitable from birth to 200 kg (31.5 st)
- Materials: 100% beech wood, child-friendly water-based translucent lacquer, EKO wool felt, cork
Use under adult supervision.