What is Wobbel board? We don't think there is a need to introduce this but if you're still unsure this board...
- has a stylish design
- invites to grow
- is for play, for imagination, for creativity, for practicality
- is an open-ended toy
- can be used as a chair
Need more reasons? Explore it yourself :)
And enjoy some freebies you can download below
Plus...download these colouring cards to get some more inspiration of what you can do with the Wobbel board! Download now :)
Or, get the already coloured cards that offer inspiration, but they also tell you how each exercise strengthens motor skills - download here
Also, Wobbel board’s shipping is on us 👍
- Size: approx. 90 x 30 cm
- Weight: approx. 4.5 kg
- Suitable from birth to 200 kg (31.5 st)
- Materials: 100% beech wood, child-friendly water-based translucent lacquer, EKO wool felt, cork
Use under adult supervision.