Bye bye 2019! Hello 2020!
First of all Happy New Year to you all!
We are almost halfway through January (how is this even possible?) and the reason the post is now and not at the very beginning of the month is that I wasn’t sure I am up for it. I’ve never been a person to reflect on last year, making new year resolutions, doing ‘new year, new me’ challenge. No! This is definitely not me! However, (yes, there is a small ‘but’ coming) 2019 was a very tricky one both on a professional and personal level and I am really hoping 2020 will be more stable, and I will be able to achieve what I plan. Fingers crossed!
Some time ago I read a post on a blog by a very inspiring woman and she included a couple of questions to think about and answer about the past and the coming year. As mentioned earlier, a couple of months ago I would be far from even paying too much attention to such things, let alone start reflecting on those questions. And here I am! I am going to answer these questions as it feels like some kind of closure and beginning of something good and positive.
The most important goal that I achieved in 2019 was….
Well…this can be tricky as I haven’t really set any goals for myself personally and professionally as such. Everything that I did, decided to pursue happened due to events happening at the given time. Certain steps were made becuase of circumstances and you know what…I don’t regret any of these!
What am I most grateful for last year?
On a personal level - my family! My husband who is my rock whatever the situation I’m in, whatever mood I’m in. Really! My little girl who brings so much sunshine in our life, so much laughter and the fact that we can join her in her adventures whether they are big or small is priceless! My whole family - they are always when we need them. Yes, we have our ups and downs but who doesn’t?
The skills I developed last year are….
While still working in my old job, patience and perseverance - some would say this is not a skill but part of someone’s personality. Well…regardless of the opinion and definition, this was very important to me.
Last year I broke out of my comfort zone by…
Opening my own business!! This was me taking a huge risk and those who know me well, know that this is the last thing I would ever do. I am just a natural not-risk-taker!
A big mistake that I made last year and the lesson that I learned as a result was…
Hmm…this is connected with the previous question…not taking the risk to start my own business sooner!
My biggest regret of 2019 was...
I don’t like having regrets, and I try to not to look back too often into the past. That door is closed and what’s more important is to look into the future. However, to put some funny perspective into the whole process and not to be too serious :) Well, I haven’t read all of the books I wanted - I didn’t have time! Shocking!
I adopted this new positive habit
of not looking back and worry less about things and events that I can’t do anything about. Also, I try to be surrounded by people who matter to me rather than being involved with those who bring negative feelings on board.
I dropped this negative habit
There are probably a lot of them but I am sometimes get very pessimistic about things and they drag me down and make it impossible for me to achieve something, so it’s not something that is out of the picture completely but definitely disappearing from my life.
What one activity / habit / belief / something else I left in 2019?
That I am not good enough to do what I want to achieve! I am enough and I am proud to say this out loud if I need to!
If I could travel back to the beginning of 2019, the advice I would give myself would be…
Never say never! Trust your instincts and if you see something that is worth pursuing, go for it!
Pfff…That was easy ;) Not! But I am glad I have this out there in public - no regrets! Hope you enjoy the post and while this is not entirely Tuli Kids related as such, I still believe that all these people behind small businesses are the ones who make the whole thing work and it’s important to acknowledge that and support them in any way we can possibly can!