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Sensory Toys 101: A Comprehensive guide to the benefits and best picks for your little one

Importance of Sensory Play in Child Development

Sensory play is a crucial aspect of early childhood development, as it allows children to explore and learn about their environment through their senses. Engaging in sensory play helps kids develop essential skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and critical thinking. Sensory experiences also lay the groundwork for cognitive, physical, and emotional growth, setting the stage for a lifetime of learning.

The Role of Sensory Toys in Fostering Cognitive, Physical, and Emotional Growth

Sensory toys are specifically designed to stimulate a child's senses, offering a fun and engaging way to support their development. By providing a range of textures, sounds, and visual elements, sensory toys encourage children to explore, experiment, and interact with the world around them.

Cognitive growth is promoted as children use sensory toys to solve problems, understand cause and effect, and boost their creativity. In terms of physical development, sensory toys help children refine their fine and gross motor skills, balance, and coordination. Additionally, engaging with sensory toys allows children to express and regulate their emotions, fostering emotional development and social skills.

In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of sensory toys in greater detail and provide recommendations for the best picks to support your little one's development.

Sensory toys

The Benefits of Sensory Toys

Cognitive Development

  1.  Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills

    Sensory toys encourage children to think critically and solve problems as they interact with various elements. By manipulating objects, fitting pieces together, and experimenting with cause and effect, children develop their problem-solving skills and learn to think independently.

  2. Boosting Creativity and Imagination

    Playing with sensory toys helps children tap into their creativity and imagination. These toys offer open-ended play experiences, allowing kids to create their own stories, scenarios, and uses for the toys. This imaginative play fosters cognitive flexibility and the ability to think outside the box.

Physical Development

  1. Improving Fine and Gross Motor Skills

    Sensory toys are designed to engage children's hands and bodies, providing ample opportunities for refining fine and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills are developed through activities that require precision and control, such as grasping, pinching, and threading. Gross motor skills are honed through larger movements like crawling, jumping, and balancing.

  2. Encouraging Balance and Coordination

    Many sensory toys challenge children's balance and coordination, essential components of physical development. Toys that involve stacking, balancing, or navigating obstacles help children learn to control their movements and develop a strong sense of body awareness.

Sensory Toys

Emotional Development

  1. Fostering Emotional Regulation and Self-Awareness

    Sensory toys provide children with opportunities to practice emotional regulation and self-awareness. By engaging with toys that offer a range of sensory experiences, children learn to recognize and manage their emotional responses to different stimuli. This helps them develop coping mechanisms for dealing with frustration, anxiety, and other emotions.

  2. Promoting Social Skills and Empathy

    When children play with sensory toys alongside their peers or family members, they develop important social skills such as communication, cooperation, and sharing. Sensory play also encourages empathy, as children learn to observe and understand the feelings and reactions of others during play. These social and emotional skills form the foundation for successful relationships throughout their lives.

Sensory Toys

Top Sensory Toys for Different Age Groups

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

  1. Textured balls and soft blocks: These toys stimulate touch and encourage hand-eye coordination.
  2. Rattles and musical toys: These engage the sense of hearing and help develop auditory processing skills.
  3. Tummy time mats and activity gyms: These offer a variety of textures, colors, and sounds, promoting visual, auditory, and tactile development.

Preschoolers (3-4 years)

  1. Playdough and kinetic sand: These materials encourage creativity and help develop fine motor skills.
  2. Puzzles and shape sorters: These toys enhance problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, and hand-eye coordination.
  3. Pretend play sets (e.g., kitchen, doctor, and dress-up): These foster imaginative play and social skills.

School-aged children (5-6 years)

  1. Art and craft supplies: These materials nurture creativity and provide opportunities for self-expression.
  2. Building and construction toys: These sets promote critical thinking, spatial awareness, and fine motor skills.
  3. Board games and interactive toys: These activities encourage social skills, cooperation, and strategic thinking.

Our recommendations!

Here, at Tuli Kids we try to put a lot of effort in making sure we have a wide range of sensory toys (and many more!). We're always happy to make recommendations or suggestions of the toys that your little ones will love - our in-house tester, a.k.a. Amelia makes sure all is checked and fun to play with. 

Wobbel Original Transparent Lacquer

This versatile balance board helps develop balance, coordination, and gross motor skills. Children can use it for rocking, climbing, or as a platform for imaginative play.

Sound Telephone

Janod Sound Telephone

This unique toy stimulates auditory processing and encourages creative thinking. Kids can experiment with different sounds and develop their communication skills through imaginative play.

Bath Puzzles

These colorful foam puzzles provide a fun and engaging sensory experience during bath time. They promote problem-solving, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills.

Strawberry Flower Pot

This adorable toy offers a multi-sensory gardening experience for little ones. It encourages imaginative play, fine motor skills development, and nurtures a love for nature.

Beads and Accessories 36-Pieces Set

This colorful set of beads and accessories promotes creativity, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination. Children can create their own unique jewelry designs while also improving their concentration and patience.

Balancing Flamingo Game

Janod Balancing Flamingo

This engaging game teaches balance and coordination while providing a fun sensory experience. Kids will enjoy the challenge of placing the flamingo's "feathers" without tipping it over.

Sticker Mosaic

Poppik Stickers

This creative activity encourages fine motor skills, concentration, and patience. Children can create beautiful mosaic designs using the colorful stickers provided, fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-expression.

In conclusion, sensory toys play a vital role in a child's development, providing countless benefits in cognitive, physical, and emotional growth. By incorporating these engaging and educational toys into your little one's playtime, you'll be unlocking their potential and setting them up for success.


Explore our Sensory Toys range for more inspo!

1 comment

  • Sensory toys are not only fun but also a crucial part of early childhood development, thank you for putting this article together, it saves us a lot of time. I personally went with sensory toys from: , my go-to page for baby stuff, not a single regret :)

    Emily McGeorge

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